Facts About Winter Tyres

 A well-said quote, “half-knowledge is dangerous”, is very true. We often do activities that we don’t have complete information about in our day-to-day life, just like our vehicles and tyres. For instance- Driving your vehicle in extreme cold without winter tyres can be risky to your safety. Most people using different tyres think they don’t require winter tyres. But this doesn't seem right. You must change your tyres according to season if you live in a place with extreme weather changes. Using summer or all-season tyres in icy road conditions can be dangerous. Only winter tyres can provide you with enough safety on snow-filled and icy surfaces.

Tyre has a great purpose while driving; they connect with the road and nurture the grip needed to move forward. Every Dunlop tyres Leeds has a tread pattern that touches and bites into the ground firmly to balance and control the vehicle. Summer tyres have a wide block-shaped symmetrical tread pattern to sustain grip on dry and wet roads, leaving a large footprint. Similarly, winter tyres have shallow asymmetrical tread that helps in pushing away the snow and maintains better grip and friction in icy road conditions. This is why professionals suggest using only winter tyres for extreme cold weather.

Facts About Winter Tyres- 

1.      It is easier for winter tyres to maintain control, acceleration, and even brakes very firmly than standard tyres. Using any other tyre on icy road conditions can adversely affect your acceleration and stopping distance. Standard tyres cannot nurture grip and hold on icy road conditions, while winter tyres are specifically manufactured to provide better grip on such roads, thus giving better performance.

2.      Winter tyres are suggested to be used under 7 degrees Celsius. These tyres are meant to deliver extra balance and agility in the cold. They even offer shorter braking distances making your drive more comfortable. 

3.      Since the tread compound of winter tyres is made from more natural rubber and silica for providing softness in extreme cold, softer tyres deliver better performance because they can create firmer grip on the road. 

4.      The usage of winter tyres has proven to minimise the incidence of accidents on icy and wet roads. They are safer to use in the cold than any other tyre. Even all-season tyres cannot deliver optimum performance and fail to provide safety in extremely cold weather.

5.      Because of the frequent driving, tyres ultimately wear out. On the other hand, standard tyres tend to wear down faster in the winter than they do in the summer. Such tyres use more force in building a strong grip with the road and hence uses more fuel. Winter tyre works exactly opposite to standard tyres in the cold and is even fuel effective. 

6.      Winter Cheap Tyres Leeds can increase your car mileage in cold weather, while using standard or any other tyre can reduce your car mileage by 20%. 

7.      The inflation level should be appropriate. An adequate amount of air pressure in tyres can increase their life and improve their performance. Under-inflated tyres wear out faster and can lead to tyre failures as well. It is important to note that air pressure should be checked every two weeks to maintain your tyre health. Good and healthy tyres provide safety and quality ride. This is just not applicable for winter tyres but maintaining proper inflation is for all the tyres in every particular season. 

8.      It is important to know that changing all your four tyres is important when the season changes. Installing any two different tyres can be dangerous. Vehicles with different tyres can lead to unsatisfactory performance and quality ride with increased fuel consumption, wear and tear and risk to safety. 

        9.   Tyres play a very significant role while driving, so having healthy tyres is essential. Storing and getting your                             seasonal tyres serviced will increase their life and efficiency while driving. Properly serviced tyres often result in better              performance and safety. Servicing your tyres is equally important as servicing your car.
